when i was a teenager, i had a short, yet potent dream of meeting president john f kennedy somewhere underground. without going into the details of that dream, he revealed to me that there was much more to history and “his story” than was ever openly revealed publicly. at the time, i didn’t know much about the kennedy’s. perhaps it was simply, just a dream, but i woke up the following morning with a new curiosity coming from somewhere deep and intuitive, and not intellectual. i wish to acknowledge that alternate narratives and conspiracies were not on my radar at the time, and i was not learning about him in school, nor was i watching or reading anything with him in it, and as far as i knew, no one around me was talking about him. but suddenly, i had this curious interest in the space race, the civil rights movement of the 60s, the vietnam war. all things we unfortunately hardly touched in school curriculum (at least to the degree i would have liked). in fact, i never heard a peep of the vietnam war in any of my history classes. not once. and like most things, i had to go and learn it on my own. and so i did.
and while my hunger in understanding my home country of the united states of america through its past was growing, i felt the kennedy’s somehow at the center of this newfound curiosity and interest. i never went so deep into their entire story and legacy, but something in me felt deeply moved by president jfk and his brother robert (bobby) mennedy, who were both shot and murdered at the height of their political influence, which was changing the game and threatening the main stream narrative, big shots and powers-that-be of the time.
a handful of years later, and a handful of years ago, i decided to stop voting in presidential elections **until** i feel there’s someone actually worth voting for. no more - excuse my language -shit verses vomit. i won’t play that game. i won’t support anyone on either or any side who, in my perception, is quite blatantly a mere puppet moved by their own personal interests, easily manipulated, with withering integrity. i don’t care, i just won’t do it. i will however, support anyone on any side who has a backbone, isn’t easily manipulated, not afraid of a debate, supports and defends free speech without exception, and actually represents the interests of the people and the planet. not their own personal interests, not the corporations interests, not the elite’s interest. it’s literally that simple. if i see a promise of someone who is for the people, by the people, i’ll definitely consider!
but who cares what i think and what my views are. this piece is in no way to convince or persuade anyone to align with my own personal and developing beliefs and opinions. beliefs and opinions, while important, are not to be glorified as some ultimate truth, because they aren’t. they are beliefs and opinions. and usually they are quite flimsy. take a moment to look back in your own life and think about how many times you held a belief or opinion very tightly, only to either gracefully or traumatically let it go and maybe switch opinions entirely. what did you believe at age 15, 16, 17, age 20, 25, 40, 45, 60? what were your views about politics, religion, god, philosophy, the environment, aliens, art, literature, music, having children, what’s healthy to eat, what looks good, who you should or shouldn’t sleep with, what you feel happiness entails, what your vocational and overall life visions were. literally anything. are all your beliefs and views the same? i highly doubt it. do you even cringe sometimes about thinking about things you used to “believe” were true? probably. so consider this. you may even look back at who you claim to be now in some future moment, and have a cringe. so why trust everything you believe now to be the ultimate truth when you also believed things in the past to be the ultimate truth, only to disregard them later?
i’m guilty of this in the past, but i’m learning from experience, and i am doing my ultimate best not to hold on to anything too tightly, but rather - dissect it, criticize it, hold it in many different lights, different angles, be open to seeing it in other ways. listen to others. be humble enough to possibly be wrong. i’m not saying to not have opinions or beliefs. in fact, they’re a natural part of growth and identity. beliefs and opinions can stand close to our moral ethics and convictions, and that’s great, but they should be malleable and developing too. because until you’re some enlightened master, there’s no way you know the ultimate truth, which is probably beyond all these sometimes important and sometimes petty subjects and limited perceptions anyways.
i’m all up for debate and discourse. in fact, i think it’s healthy and important part of a developing person and society. but debate is not the same as a fight. so why fight over beliefs? why create more division? why censor? why cancel? if your convictions are so strong and guided by independent thought, something genuine and integral, you won’t be so easily offended. you won’t be so fragile. you’ll be able to listen to others, no matter how different their views are from yours, you’ll be able to sit at a round table discussion, you’ll be at least willing to change. you’ll be able to see through the lens of unity, which is NOT homogeny, by the way. i repeat: homogeny is not the same thing as unity.
personally, my top priority will always be the development of my soul. and perhaps that’s not your top priority or something you even connect to. no problem. while i see the inner work as the most important thing to personal, spiritual, human, and planetary evolution as far as we can or can’t perceive, i still think what’s going on in the world around us is very important. i have no desire to be a monk on a hill forever forgetting society and the world (lol maybe i do sometimes, but i won’t be pursuing that in this life, most likely). i see the outside world as a reflection of the collective and that collective will always reflect within ourselves individually. i’m learning from experience that as long as there’s a bill gates, jeffrey epstein, darth vader and voldemort out on the world stage, there are also elements of them deep within my (and mostly everyone’s) own unconscious and sub-psyche and they must be eradicated. in order to do this, they must be seen and exposed. we must look within ourselves. this is what i mean by the development of the soul. it is a cleaning out of the dark which bears new light. this begins individually. this is beyond mechanical evolution. this is revolution. as above, so below. as within, so with out.
and while i’m always striving to create the space for a revolution within, so too am i hopeful for one in the external world, amongst the greater collective. we live in unbelievably potent times and while much of the arrows are pointing toward degeneration and destruction, i also see the potential for unlimited possibilities and many of those containing hope, positive change, and revolution beyond our limited imaginations. anything is possible burns in the flames of my heart. while i’m deeply concerned about certain subjects like the speedy and unchecked growth of AI, it’s potential to lock humanity into a very scary place, i also see its potential as a tool of positive change. while the internet is a crazy, wild place that’s encouraged addiction and disconnection, how cool is it that we have it to communicate instantly? to find information (true or false) about literally anything within seconds. you see. tools are tools. they’re neutral. and tools are not the problem. … we are. but we can also be the solution. the threats to our very existence are not things like AI and the internet, the danger resides in how we choose to use those things, both individually and collectively.
something i find madly exciting about this time is the potential power of the people and the people finding new outlets of power. think about it. mainstream media has been defiled by liars, bribery, and corruption beyond comprehension, yet it’s losing so much steam. it’s like a walking zombie, a jittery corpse, holding on to its last breath. the people have turned to alternative media sources for their information- for anything! political, spiritual, health related, philosophical. social media is in a way, the voice of the people and while it’s full of trash and censorship (which needs to end), it holds tremendous influence. certain podcasts have more influence than mainstream media ever had. and there’s so much out there. just people, talking, whether you agree with them or not, with de-sensationalized, real, genuine conversations- something i feel we’re all craving. there’s finally variety! and as long as free speech is protected and the censorship ceases, so much cool things can happen. while at times, and still in ways, i’ve felt hopelessness, i’m also feeling a new rush and wave of hopefulness coming in.
when i started wisdom weavers podcast, that was my intention. to create a platform of variety, meaningfulness, and inspiration. i’d love if this podcast inspires an air of thoughtfulness, debate, and round table discussion within the people who listen. i’d love if it offends as much as if it resonates. agrees with as much as it disagrees with.
before i published the first episode here, i made a list of people i’d love to have on the podcast. from friends to celebrities, anyone, even if it’s probably impossible to have them on. robert f kennedy jr, bobby kennedy’s son, was on that list. someone i’ve followed a bit and admired for a while now. and while it’s unlikely he’d ever be on this podcast, i still wrote him down on that list.
if you don’t know who he is, he’s a lawyer, environmental advocate, and someone who has spent his life fighting corruption and standing up for people, the planet, water, and children. and like most things, while he’s probably not a perfect person, as i have yet to meet one, he exemplifies the qualities of a political leader i feel many of us are craving. honesty, integrity, a truly scientific mind, openness to discourse and debate, compassion, love for water, the planet and love for the people. he’s both stated plainly and demonstrated through action that he wishes to use all the parts that unite us to drive his campaign forward. he’s not interested in attention through division. that’s why i feel the people who will vote for him are people of every class, creed, age and color. i bet he’ll even be endorsed by lifelong republicans, even though he’s running on the democratic ballot. but time will only tell and it isn’t really my point. look, you don’t have to like him or agree with him or me, again, that’s not my purpose here. not at all. there’s something deeper i wish to illuminate.
if you search him through mainstream outlets and journals or read about him on wikipedia, within one sentence he’s smeared and written off as a “conspiracy theorist” and “anti-vaxxer”, which he’d never claim himself to be either of those and neither would i. this is due to his relentless fight against corruption, mainly focused on big pharma and exposing the crimes they’ve committed in regards to many of their drugs and vaccines. to me, he’s not anti-vax, he’s anti-crime and corruption. and he’s pro-freedom, pro-planet, pro-water, transparency and democracy. that is all. when any media outlet or person tries to smear someone by calling them “anti-vax” or “conspiracy theorist”, it’s a sure sign of a vague and lazy argument. to take someones entire body of work (which they probably didn’t even take the time to get to know) and stick an over simplistic label on it, is a symptom of feebleness. of utter weakness. it is a sure sign they’ll never openly debate the person they wish to defame. it is a sure sign that something they wish to protect is being threatened. whether there’s an insidious agenda behind that or they just can’t let the possibility of their tightly held world view or opinion to change… for them to possibly be wrong.
because we can have different perspectives on any issue like health, abortion, taxes, whatever- but trying to shut someone down or censor them, definitely makes them more intriguing to me and worth considering. if mainstream narrative wants someone to shut up, i definitely want to hear what they have to say. and i’m pretty sure i’m not the only one. i’m not saying all conspiracy theories are true and that every drug big pharma has ever peddled is bad, no not at all. but i do know the threat and censorship of these topics to certain bodies, who lazily and hastily smear them as “misinformation”, “conspiracy theory”, and pretty much anti-their agenda, points to something relevant within them. because you know who else was censored and pretty much labeled a crackpot conspiracy theorist by the authorities-that-be of the time? …. galileo , nikola tesla , gandhi, pythagoras, just to name a few.
and i’m not saying crackpots don’t exist, there’s plenty, but when the mainstream narrative is threatened by a so-called one, they may not be so crackpot after all.
so, i might actually vote now that rfk jr. is running for president. and he totally could win. who knows, maybe i’ll change my mind, i don’t know - but i don’t care who you or anyone voted for or if they vote at all. again, not my point here. i’m just excited by this new wave of media, and change happening in how we interact with information and communication.
we, the people, have power. and despite this degenerative mess we’re in that’s due to unchecked power and individual ignorance, we’ve never had so many possibilities open. this is the age of aquarius. this is the age of the future. this is the age of the people. so the question is, are we willing to change? i mean that on the individual level: are we willing to look within ourselves? are we willing to expose our own tyranny to ourselves? are we willing to die to our own outdated and tightly held opinions and beliefs? are we willing for our own perceptions of the world to be turned upside down?
within the spinning wheel of time, there’s devolution and evolution. but let’s not forget that within the law of three, there’s always a third force: revolution.
…so what ya reckon?